The last few weeks have been incredibly busy. I suppose that might be true for quite a few folks. I've been immersed in finishing teaching New Testament Survey for Dallas Christian College; working on Systematic Theology and Hebrew 1 for Lincoln Christian Seminary; teaching three different groups of students at Union Middle School; teaching Character Education to the number two ranked football team in the state of Missouri; leading open gyms for middle school basketball; and coaching both Bible Bowl and Beginner Bowl at First Christian in Washington. In addition to that I have been learning a lot about writing from my editor at White Feather Press, Mary Mueller. I have a novella coming out in November with White Feather Press and getting that ready had been a challenge. I thought I'd share a few observations about that process in this edition of "Bill's View."
First, we ought to realize that none of us is perfect. Paul reminds us of that truth in Romans. He notes, "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). I have certainly been reminded of that by Mary. I thought I was a decent writer. I know that some of you might raise an issue here, but, for the most part, I think I can put subject and verb together. Not long ago I sent Mary my best work on this story that I've had for four years and just sold to White Feather Press. I reworked it and had two friends who are very good at editing clean it up even more. It was my best work. Mary sent it back to me with over three hundred corrections; all in red. My finest work wasn't good enough.
There is a spiritual lesson here. I think sometimes we feel like we can "polish ourselves," then present to God "our best" and think it will be all right for him. The truth is our best is never good enough for God to just accept us. It is only through Jesus Christ that we can come to God.
Second, this process has shown me that it is all right, however, to keep working on something until it is right. I've had a tendency in the past to just write something and think it's "good enough." I'm beginning to learn hard work and being willing to go over something again and again moves it from being "good enough" to, dare I say it, "good." Now, I won't say my story is good, nor will Mary. It is, though, better. I hope, when it comes out, some of you (maybe a lot of you) will read it.
The application here is that I need that same tenacity in my life and walk with the Lord. My salvation is not dependent upon my being "good," but I think I too often settle for "good enough" when, with a little work, discipline and patience, I might get to "good" in my walk and serving Him. I see this in how I observe my quiet time; how I handle my prayer life; how I enter worship; how seriously I take my Bible reading and memorization; and how my attitude is serving others. We can't make ourselves clean enough for acceptance, but once we are accepted, shouldn't we give our best? We are to do whatever we do "as unto the Lord" (Colossians 3:17). He deserves my striving for "good" and not just my "good enough."
I don't think I will stop being busy for a while and probably that's true for a lot of you. That's ok, though. Let's keep the Lord first in our thoughts and on our "To Do" lists. Have a great day and thanks for reading...