Sunday, January 31, 2010

God's Goodness

As I am writing today, cold germs are ravaging my body. My joints ache and my head is stuffy. How is that for descriptive writing, huh? I seriously do have a cold and am hoping to shake it by tomorrow, at least to some degree. As I have been in my apartment today, I have had a lot of time to think (between sleeping times). My thoughts have been directed toward one idea today, God is good. I know that is hardly a revolutionary concept, but I think it is a significant one.

There are a lot of people going through hard times. I pay attention to the political scene and I have heard that unemployment is at 10% nationwide. Staggering! However, in a more personal way, I just got an email from a friend letting me know that his job/ministry was dropped due to budget cuts at the church. He and his family are seeking the Lord in this matter. That's not just a statistic, that's a real person that I know. Tough times, for sure. I know, in my own search for the Lord's will for my life, that the places that I apply often have fifty to seventy-five resumes from which to choose. Tough times. Hard times are not just limited to the job market. I am aware of a family that just lost a dear loved one. I know of another who is facing a battery of demanding physical tests as they battle illness. Sometimes the prognosis isn't what we want to hear. Tough times.

In the middle of all of these struggles, I have been reminded that God is there and that he cares. Matthew noted Jesus' words how God cares for the birds, surely he will care for you. We know that God is faithful and that he is love (1 John 4:7-8). How have I seen his caring hand, you ask?

It shows up in the simplest of things, really. The answer to a small prayer that doesn't mean much to anyone outside of me. But it mattered to me and it mattered to God.

It is in the quiet confidence that even though I don't know what the future holds, he does and that's ok. I surely do wish things would be a certain way. When things aren't going that way, it leads to uncertainty and instability. These two are "joy robbers" and deprive us all of what can be ours. When I feel that way, and I do, I am reminded that He is in charge. I do believe all things will work togehter for good. I do believe.

It is in the consistency of routines. That sounds a bit odd, doesn't it? Let me explain. As I go about my daily life, doing what it is that God has placed before me that day, I do not have much time to worry or be overcome by tomorrow. The discipline of serving him every hour shows me his hand and lets me know it will be all right.

That's it, isn't it? We want things to be "all right." Whenever I hear those words, I think back to Mitchell. Do you remember him? He is the special needs child I met last September. I saw him at lunch last week. He doesn't have a wide vocabularly (outside of a few cuss words), but one thing I do remember well is him saying, "It's all right." Hmmm... Mitchell says things are all right. I believe that, too, Mitchell. Thanks for reading and look for God's hand. I believe you'll find it.

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