Monday, July 26, 2010

Theological thoughts...

Well, it has been a long time, huh? I am glad to write again. The topic of this post is "theological thoughts," but that sounds a bit more academic than I think this will end up being. I have been reading and hearing quite a bit lately about Bible studies and books that are challenging people and making them think and evaluate their walk with the Lord. I am encouraged by that and believe that to be an important and necessary thing.

I have, though, picked up a theme from a few different sources that struck a note with me. This isn't in "response" to any particular work or class, but a reaction to a perception. It seems to me that there are quite a few Christians (perhaps of the emergent variety, though certainly not limited to that) that seem to advocate a withdrawal from the things of the world to really pursue the things of Christ. I get the impression that the more one gives up of the things of the world, the greater his/her opportunity to grow spiritually. I read of one Christian leader who downsized his family's house because they simply didn't need that much house. I understand this thinking and I believe it has much merit. I am concerned a bit, though, about the logical end of that kind of thinking.

Jesus told one person, the rich young ruler (Matthew 19), to give all he had to the poor. I think it is important to note Biblically that he did not issue that statement to all who had "stuff," he issued that challenge to this man. He had other followers who had "stuff" (the women mentioned in Luke 8:1-3 for example). I make that observation because I think it is dangerous to make universal a particular challenge of Jesus. He does say, though, that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:23). Notice he says, "hard" but not "impossible." Peter follows this statement of Jesus with the observation of how they (the apostles) had left all to follow him. Jesus replied that those who had left all will receive it again and even more in the coming kingdom.

What do we make of that? First, Jesus appears to be challenging the priority of the heart. He demands to be first. In the case of the rich ruler, there was some doubt with respect to what mattered most. There was no doubt in the case of the apostles. This seems to be a discusison more about priorities than it does about "stuff." Second, "stuff" can get in the way. It is not a surprise that Jesus spoke of money more than many other dangers and it is clear that "the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil" (1 Timothy 6:10). Notice, though, that it is the LOVE of money. Again, I believe Paul to be addressing, as Jesus did, a priority issue. Having made that case, I turn to why is this important and why did it make me come out of hiding to write again.

I think it is dangerous and a bit hypocritcal to denounce all things material. The truth, as I see it, is that we (the church) need people who are gifted and have the right priority to give generously and abundantly for the kingdom's sake. If we begin to nurture the perspective that "all things material" are bad, I think we do the kingdom a disservice. To be blunt...

Churches need believers who have the means to fund the mission trip to Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, etc. Without those who generously give, those with the "heart to go" must sit and wait.

Ministries need believers who have the means to write the $5,000 check to fund the shortage in the program.

The body of Christ needs those who have a large home to be able to open it to the traveling youth group or mission family. I have downsized a bit recently and it would have to be a very small group to fit into where I now live.

The bottom line, as I see it, is that material things are just that: things. They are neither good nor bad. Things/money have a tempting nature that must be watched. For the kingdom work, though, in Jesus' time and our time, we need people who have that gift and ability to use the things they have for his sake. I guess I am appealing for a bit of balance. Thanks for reading and feel free to comment...


  1. I appreciate your blog and views on your “theological thoughts”. I don’t have the viewpoint of “the more I give up, the more spiritual I will become”. My personal viewpoint is that if God wanted me to give up some or even all of what I have, would I be willing to do that….. In other words, is God enough?
    Where are my priorities????
    This is on an individual basis. How God speaks to (convicts) each of us is different. He knows what we cling to and attempt to hold on to. And for some it is not always about the “stuff”. It’s sometimes the “control”.
    I like what you said “Jesus appears to be challenging the priority of THE HEART”. We have to determine for ourselves just where our heart is, and what our heart is open to. If we have the heart and mind for Christ, we think about, and love the things in life that matter to Christ. Our hearts are to be open and so filled with His love, that material things, as well as things we try to control are not a priority.
    Matthew 6:21…. “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”. 1 John 4:8 “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love”. I definitely think that He is being really clear from these familiar verses that we have to prioritize our hearts.

  2. BTW Thanks for posting.... and don't wait so long to post again!

  3. Kathy, I agree with you. I think it is a "personal conviction" thing that has to be connected with priorities. I just fear that some, in a zealous-ness (if that's a word) to pursue Christ, have taken a too general approach and may hinder rather than help the kingdom.

    I am now reading your blog, too (Diana's also). Thanks.

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  6. Al, thanks for reading. I agree with you that we need to examine ourselves to make sure our priorities are right and the church does struggle with that as well. I am a bit concerned, though, about a perception I have (though not necessarily from you or anyone else in particular). I have it mostly from reading. I don't think that possessing material things is the same as being possessed by them. Again, thanks for reading.

  7. Nice post, Bill. I'm wondering if some of my comments about our Bible study helped to motivate your writing. If yes, then good. This response is from the heart...
    As a new Christian, struggling to learn and understand, I craved a sparse monastic existence away from the world, because the things of the world were too much temptation for me. Slowly, painfully, I came to realize that Jesus came for the sick, the broken-hearted, etc. He didn't want me to position myself away safely in an ivory tower, safe from the cares of the world. He wants me in the trenches, working with, sharing with, loving others. Sometimes one gets dirty in the trenches, but His grace cleanses me. I often think of Abraham and what he was thinking on his way up the mountain to sacrifice his son, Isaac. If he thought about what he was going to tell Sarah? What would the neighbors think? How it would make him feel taking his son's life? What would be the consequences to his actions, etc? I've come to the conclusion that he either didn't have any of those thoughts or he had power over them and was able to push them from his mind because he focused only on obeying his Father. When I get overwhelmed with all the "stuff" in my life, I try to stop and push the reset button on my priorities. I need to "hear" His voice, and be "crazy in love" with Him. : )
    So in conclusion, I guess I agree with you. Sometimes God wants us to have the "stuff" and use it to further His kingdom.
