I came home from Indianapolis today and found that the grass had been cut in both the church yard and the parsonage. I know that might not sound like a "big deal" to you, but it was to me. You see, for the last few weeks, I've been cutting both. Some of the guys at church had cut it before, but I had been doing it for the last few weeks. This week, though, we got quite a bit of rain early on and I had a busy Friday and Saturday. I thought I would have to mow on Monday, a short week before I go back to Kansas City for a wedding. However, as I pulled into the lot a few minutes ago, I saw that the grass was looking better than ever. I appreciate those who did it and I think I know who it was. In addition to be grateful, I was also reminded of a passage in James 2. James wrote, "If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, 'Love your neighbor as yourself,' you are doing right" (James 2:8 NIV).
James is quoting this passage from Leviticus 19:18 in which God gives this command to the Israelites. He is urging them to not hold a grudge or to seek revenge. Instead, he challenges them to love. I realize this is not a "new idea" or a "revolutionary concept." I did think of it, especially tonight, in a practical way, though. How do we, as followers of Christ, show that we "love our neighbors as ourselves?" You see, as I read through James 2, "loving" is more than just a feeling or an emotion. It is an action. If you love, then you show it. How?
--Send a card to someone who's lonely
-- Visit the nursing home, even when you don't have a family member there
-- Spend time with the people around you
-- Go on date nights with your spouse
-- Play catch with your child or the neighborhood kid
-- Visit the sick in the hospital
Yes, cut the grass for a neighbor who just can't get it done this week. I appreciate those who helped me. I hope to be a blessing to others. Maybe you can, too. Thanks for reading...
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