Friday, May 24, 2013

Wedding Thoughts...

     For the last year or so, I have been thinking about a wedding.  In the past twenty-four hours, it has become even more real.  Kimber Lane is going to marry Sean Gilbert tomorrow.  I'm excited and happy for both of them.  I have had the distinct honor and privilege to play a small part in Kimber's life as she has grown into a lovely and gracious young woman. Now, she and Sean have allowed me to have a small part tomorrow which makes me happy beyond what words can express. Being a part of this wedding means a lot to me.

     Revelation 19 mentions another wedding that is to come.  John writes, "'Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory!  For the wedding of the Lamb has come and his bride has made herself ready.  Fine linen, bright and clean was given to her to wear.'  (Fine linen stands for the righteousness of the saints)"  (Revelation 19:7-8  NIV).  He continues in verse 9, "Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb."  

     The "wedding" that John mentions in Revelation is the wonderful union of Jesus Christ and his precious bride, the church.  Though there is much debate and discussion over the particulars of the end times and how it will unfold, there can be no doubt that the wedding of the Lamb of God and his bride will be extraordinary and wonderful.  As is the case at weddings in our world, I think there will be....

     --Unrestrained and unbounded joy

     --Reuniting and remembering with loved ones and friends

     --Caring, laughing, dancing and, yes, eating!

     It will be an event we won't want to miss.  And that's the point.  I don't think there's anything that would prevent me from missing what is going to happen tomorrow.  I've looked forward to being a part of the wedding.  But there is another comparison that needs to be made.  There is a guest list for Kimber and Sean's wedding.  You have to be on the list.  There's also a guest list for the Lamb's wedding.  He's already sent the invitation and you are invited.  To be on the list, though, you must RSVP.  How?  Receive the free gift that he offers.  Become a follower of Jesus Christ.  In doing so, you can be a part of the greatest wedding celebration ever.  

     I hope that you will consider what it might mean to be a part of the Lamb's wedding.  As much as I will enjoy tomorrow, I look forward to that one even more. 

     Thanks for reading and I hope to see you at the glorious reception!

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