Thursday, September 16, 2010

Musings About Grace

John Newton, a former slave trader turned Christian, penned words that are still powerful and resonating today. "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found; was blind but now I see." I cannot read or write these words without seeing an older African-American lady in a nursing home in Kansas City where I used to live. I did a church service at that home and we often sang that great hymn. I can still see her; eyes closed, head back, voice clear and strong. I think Mrs. Stuckey has gone to be with the Lord now and I believe she still sings powerfully of his grace.

We sing a lot about grace and many books and lessons have been written about grace. It is a topic that all of us want to know, grasp and understand. After all, it is important. "For by grace you are saved through faith, not of yourselves; it is the gift of God so that no one can boast" (Ephesians 2:8). Ephesians 2:5 also notes that "by grace you are saved." The Greek word for grace is "charis" and is found over one hundred times in the New Testament. The Biblical writers pray for "grace and peace." Christians are told to let their conversations be "always with grace." Paul admonishes Christians to "grow in grace." Grace is mentioned a lot. The key question, as I see it, is what does it mean? What is "grace?"

A definition that I have heard often is that grace is "unmerited favor." I think that's a good definition, but it seems to lack some power or force. Grace may be better seen than defined. Grace is Barabbas' story. He deserved death. He was spared and set free. Grace is recognizing that you can't stack enough rocks to reach heaven. It means realizing that you don't have to DO anything to earn God's favor or love. You simply don't. You can't. Grace is getting it all, not because of what you did, but because of what he did.

Why is this important? I think there are some people who are still mired in the idea that they have to do something to gain God's approval. Of course, because we are saved by grace, we act. That's another blog for another day. For now, though, if you've worried that you haven't done enough for God to go to heaven; if you're concerned that someday God is going to send you to hell for what you didn't accomplish, this GRACE is for you. Receive it. Drink it in. Amazing sweet the sound.

Thanks for reading....

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